The instructional trail Hojná Voda leads in the reserve of the same name on the slopes of Vysoká mountain (1.034 m), about 10 km east of the small town Benešov nad Černou in the Novohradské Hory (Nové Hrady Mountains).

Hojná Voda - prales

Forest, his functions and roles in nature, and information of the reserve are the main topics of this trail.

The route is about 3 km long and its elevation difference is about 130 m.
The point of departure is in the small parking-lot near the crossroads of two forest roads about 2 km south from the village Hojná Voda.
Along the trail there are 11 informative boards with notices of the protected forest, fauna and flora of this region etc.

Interesting places on the trail:
Forest management
Research in the reserve - history and present
Relationship among people, forest, and wildlife
Forest management under influence of natural conditions