The instructional trail Kněží Hora hill ("Priest Mount") leads in the neigbourhood of the village Katovice (about 7 km west of the town Strakonice).

The trail acquaints visitors with the history, natural interests, goological structure, and landmarks in the vicinity of Katovice.

The path is 4 km long and it runs from Katovice to Kněží Hora hill (Střelské Hoštice). The point of departure is in Katovice. The trail goes to Kněží Hora (about 2 km) and then it returns back on the same way. There are 5 informative boards along it.
The trail is accessible for pedestrians and also for cyclists.

Interesting places on the trail:
Spring by Kněží Hora - known from the tale "Jacob And Forest Maiden"
Kněží Hora - vestiges of the Slavonic primeval fort, archaeological landmark, natural reservation
History of graphite mining at Kněží Hora
Žižka's Bridge - stony single-span bridge
Timber-floating - place with nice view of the Otava river, history of timber-floating