The ruins Tůmův Vrch (Tůma's Hill, also called Tůmův Hrad - Tůma's Castle) stands on the hill of the same name about 6 km north-west of the village Strmilov in the close neigbourhood of the village Česká Olešná.

Originally it probably was a hunting lodge or summerhouse. It was probably founded in the second half of the 16th century. It belonged to the property Popelín (about 2 km north) or to the fort (nowadays defunct) in Česká Olešná.
The main part of the ruins was a three-storeyed spiry tower. Only the remains of this tower (hidden in the forest growth) have been preserved up till present.

Tůmův Vrch is accessible from Česká Olešná. At the end of the village (in the direction of Popelín), there is a turning-off to the right. Then it continues after about 100 m as an unmarked forest path up to the hill and to the ruins.